Effectively, the recently launched raptor therapy for the treatment of children and adults, with cognitive difficulties and rare diseases, shows the first results of a pioneering project, in Spain, led by professional falconers, therapists and psychologists.
The program, successfully launched, in a hospital in Castilla-La Mancha, is led by Jesús Gómez, master falconer and breeder of raptors, for more than 30 years, who, helped by a team of psychologists, has become what they are Known as therapeutic bird.

Jesus Gomez
The therapeutic use of animals dates back to the end of the 19th century, when England used this practice, nokwn as zootherapy, to treat people with intellectual disabilities; almost a century later, Germany experimented with patients with epilepsy. At the moment, the zooterapy is recognized by the science and there are numerous projects involving dolphins, horses or dogs, for the treatment or improvement of certain cognitive disorders, such as autism or asperger, and to improve the quality of life, motivation , Self-esteem and learning in children and adults.
"Raptors are equal or more effective than dogs, horses or dolphins, for these jobs", Jesús Gómez told to Efe, and, in fact, "US marines have been using them, for 30 years, for the psychological treatment of their fighter pilots".

American Bald Eagle
For Jesus, this is "the most exciting project" of his life, even though throughout his long career, he has worked with renowned falconers, such as Aurelio Perez, a collaborator of Félix Rodríguez de La Fuente, or has participated in many programs Television, lectures, courses and exhibitions.

From left to right: Aurelio Perz and Felix Rodriguez de la Fuente
With his company (Eagles and Falconry) and the help of his tireless therapists (his raptors), he works with people "with functional diversity and rare diseases, through contact with birds", which serve as motivating agents and enhancers of affectivity.
In Spain, "we collaborate with the Sonrisas association, which brings together the social action of all the State Security Corps and Forces to help people improve self-esteem, safety and fight phobias". "These families receive what normal medicine can not do", explained Jesus, who says excitedly that "what I live and what I see from this side, the evolution of the kids, is impressive".
Falconer "For the grace of God", as he defines himself, Jesus Gomez is also the only one, in Spain, who trains birds of prey for the hunting of "hostile drones", those, which attack the security or privacy of people, as he explained.

An eagle in front of a drone
Since a little more than a year, in the locality of Chapinería (that belongs to Madrid), he has six great eagles, real and American baldness, ideal to capture drones in flight "as a more security measure", a technique already used by the police, in States United States and in European countries such as Holland. "It is about knocking down hostile drones, that paparazzi use to photograph or record celebrities, in their own homes, or threaten the security of a state", Jesus explained.
The training begins with young birds "that have not done this work before and have no other type of hunting in their head", he pointed out, it is "like the dog looking for drugs or explosives, a reflex conditioned by a prize, that it receives at the end of its work".
The regulation on the particular use of drones "is hard, but for those who want to do evil, legislation does not work", said Jesus, who has already received requests from "Marbella people very worried, because they have a permanent watch problem".
Esteban Martín, delegate of the Spanish Association of Falconry and Conservation of Raptor (AECCA), in Madrid, explained to Efe that the use of birds of prey to shoot down this type of equipment "will have much expansion in the future and many applications, both military as civilians".
"We see it with good eyes, we support one hundred percent this activity", said Martin, who has pointed out that the AECA, which counts in Spain with a thousand members, is the third in the world, although by density of falconers, it Is the greatest".
Well, I hope that you have liked this article.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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