Today I would like to share with you an interesting news: "Chronic pain has a physical and psychological impact similar to that of cancer".
Chronic pain is a "real disease", with a physical and psychological impact similar to that of cancer --according to GPs and family doctors--, who consider it to be a global public health problem and the most frequent cause of suffering and disability.

The responsible of the Pain Working Group of the Spanish Society of General Practitioners and Family Doctors (Semg), Juana Sánchez, maintains this and warns that, despite the international consensus, that patients with chronic pain should be treated, it is estimated that 80% of the world's population, with moderate or severe pain, has "insufficient or lacking" access to treatment.


Juana Sánchez
In Europe, the prevalence of chronic pain is estimated at 19%, with important labor and personal repercussions, poor access to specialised treatment resources, 50% with insufficient treatment and one third of patients without treatment, according to the experts of the society (Semg).
In Spain, 6.1 million people suffer from pain, that is, 17% of the population, and women are those who present pain more frequently than men (61% versus 39%) and more intensely.
About the pain and diseases that cause it will be treated by family physicians, at the XXIV National Congress of General and Family Medicine, of the Semg, between 18 to 20 May, in San Sebastian (North of Spain).
Primary Care physicians are the first to diagnose and treat diseases, that cause both acute and chronic pain and this places them, in a key position, to address it.
Well, I hope that you have liked this article.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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