Do you know what "being in Babia" means?. Well, just in case you do not know, I am going to explain it to you.
Babia is a region of the province of León (in the northwest of Spain). To the North, it is limited to Asturias; to the East, with the region of Luna; to the South, with the region of Omaña; and to the West, with the region of Laciana.
![](/userfiles/image/mariadecastro/1 Tha province of Leon a 18 cm.png)
The province of León
![](/userfiles/image/mariadecastro/2 A map of the region of Babia.jpg)
A map of the región of Babia
![](/userfiles/image/mariadecastro/3 Babia a 18 cm.jpg)
The village of Babia
Its abundant water and green meadows determine the wealth of livestock, in this region. It highlights the transhumance of Merino sheep, which share the pasture with cattle and equine livestock, --especially the Hispanic-Breton breed--.
![](/userfiles/image/mariadecastro/4 A meadow with the mountain Peña Ubiña a 13 cm.jpg)
A meadow with the mountain Peña Ubiña
![](/userfiles/image/mariadecastro/5 Horses from Babia a 18 cm.jpg)
Horses from Babia
In the Middle Ages, Babia was divided into 2 Councils: Babia de Abajo
--which is now the City Hall of San Emiliano-- and Babia de Arriba, now the City Council of Cabrillanes.
In 2004, the Babia region was declared a "Biosphere Reserve" by UNESCO.
In the Middle Ages, the Kings of León had a palace in this area, where they spent long periods, especially in summer period. Their subjects justified the absence of their monarchs by saying that they were in their summer residence. The Babian environment supposedly produced a relaxing effect on the Kings, who isolated themselves from their problems and concerns; in the same way, when they did not want to receive someone in audience, their ministers said that "they were in Babia". Another version is the one that says that, at the end of the summer, the shepherds went in transhumance with their livestock to Extremadura and, when they were all at night in front of the fire, there was always someone who felt nostalgia for the land, until another one was he would approach and say "hey, wake up you are in Babia!", his mind "was in Babia".
Nowadays, the expression "being in Babia" defines any person who is distracted or absent.
The district of Babia is divided into two parts: Babia de Arriba and Babia de Abajo. Babia de Arriba is made up of villages such as: Cabrillanes, La Cueta, Huergas de Babia, Lake Babia, Piedrafita de Babia, La Riera and Torre de Babia.
![](/userfiles/image/mariadecastro/6 Torre de Babia and crag Escrita at the background a 18 cm.jpg)
Torre de Babia and crag Escrita at the background
![](/userfiles/image/mariadecastro/7 Another view of Torre de Babia in Babia de Arriba a 18 cm.jpg)
Another view of Torre de Babia
![](/userfiles/image/mariadecastro/8 Cascade near Torre de Babia a 18 cm.jpg)
Cascade near Torre de Babia
![](/userfiles/image/mariadecastro/9 Farmhouse Las Verdes inTorre de babia.jpg)
Farmhouse Las Verdes in Torre de Babia
![](/userfiles/image/mariadecastro/10 Crag Orniz from Torre de Babia a 18 cm.jpg)
Crag Orniz from Torre de Babia
And Babia de Abajo is made up of villages such as: Candemuela, Cospedal, Genestosa, Pinos, Riolago de Babia, San Emiliano, Torrebarrio, Truébano de Babia, Villafeliz de Babia, Villargusán.
![](/userfiles/image/mariadecastro/11 Pinos in Babia de Abajo a 18 cm.jpg)
![](/userfiles/image/mariadecastro/12 Riolago de Babia in Babia de Abajo a 18 cm.jpg)
Riolago de Babia
![](/userfiles/image/mariadecastro/14 Villafeliz de Babia through the road CL-626 in Babia de Abajo a 18 cm.jpg)
Villafeliz de Babia through the road CL-626
Other interesting places in the region of Babia are:
![](/userfiles/image/mariadecastro/16 The path of the beech forest.jpg)
The path of the beech forest
![](/userfiles/image/mariadecastro/17 Lakes of Somiedo a 16 cm.jpg)
Lakes of Somiedo
Well, I hope that you will like this story and hope that physically you can "be in Babia" sometime.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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