From 10 to 12 of last November, the First National Fair for the Repopulation of Spain Empty (PRESURA) was held the restaurant “El Hueco”, in Soria.


Restaurant El Hueco

The façade of the restaurant

The dining room in El Hueco
This Fair is different from the rest of congresses on depopulation, held until now, because it was born with the aim of putting entrepreneurs, who want to live and develop their projects in rural areas, in touch with those institutions and people, who can help them, to carry their initiative such as town halls, county councils, local action groups, NGOs or investors.
PRESURA started with the participation of more than 70 public and private entities, throughout all Spain.
The inauguration of this Congress was chaired by Edelmira Barreira, National Commissioner for the Demographic Challenge, who has applauded the initiative of El Hueco, because, according to her, "here is showing that in empty Spain, badly named Spain empty, there are many people with many initiatives and creativity, and that these days have a space here to reclaim the territories and put themselves in value, it is possible to live and work in the villages, and there are more and more people with initiative and willingness to want to live in a different way far from the large cities centre".

A village without people
José Luis Sora (Regional Minister of the Territory of the Government of Aragon) explained, at the opening of the Fair, that "the measures against depopulation have no immediate effects, that is why I think things are going well". He added that "Aragón share, with Soria and other territories of the country, a situation as worrying as it is similar, demographic and population problems; in Aragon we have been working for 20 months already, in a territorial policy, precisely to combat these challenges, as an instrument to start working. It is a great success that Aragón will host the PRESSURE Fair next year".
In El Hueco, you could find exhibitors, conferences, projects and many activities to facilitate the networking of the attendees.


A conference
The most important sectors, which were represented at the Fair, are: Agroecology, Forestry, Rural Housing, Circular Economy, Rural Tourism, Renewable Energy, Technology, Education, Art and Social Entrepreneurship.

PRESURA in the countryside
But there have also been other parallel activities, such as: musical proposals, slowfood, etc.
Well, I hope that you will like this article.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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