Today I would like to bring you a very good recipe by a very good cook, named Maria José: “Tumbet mallorquín” (“Majorcan tumbet”).
In her blog, Maria José says that she liked it a lot, when she ate it at home, in summer, since she was a child.
This Majorcan dish serves as a garnish for almost everything: meat, eggs or fish.
The traditional thing is to arrange the layers of ingredients, in a clay pot, and it can be served both cold and hot.
These are the Ingredients (for 4 persons): 6 potatoes, 1 kilogram of tomatoes, 1 onion, 2 aubergines, half a head of garlic, 1 green pepper, salt and Virgin Olive oil.
And this is the way you need to cook this recipe:
First of all, you have to start washing the aubergines, remove the ends and cut them (the rest of auberinges), into slices not too thin, without peeling. Then place them, in a colander, with a little salt, and let them eliminate the bitter juice.

Some auberinges in a colander
Meanwhile, peel the tomatoes, remove the seeds, chop them; chop the onion too and arrange everything in a pan, to make a thick sauce. Let them go to simmer.

Sauté of tomatoes and onion
Peel potatoes, wash them and cut them into slices. Heat oil in abundance and fry them with the garlic. As they are fried, you will place them on a tray. Remove some of the oil from frying the potatoes, to make the pepper cut into strips.

Frying potatoes and garlic
Rinse the auberinge slices, in plenty of water, pass them through flour and fry them. Put them on the potatoes that you have reserved. When the tomato sauce is ready, without the tomatoes being very undone, you add the pepper and spread it over the aubergines.

Frying auberinges

Sauce of tomatoes on auberinges
And this should be the result:

Tumbet from Mallorca
If tumbet is left over, --although that is weird, because tumbet is a very good dish and everyone likes it--, you can make an omelett, at night.

Omelette with auberinges and tomatoes
Well, I hope that you will like this recipe, hope that you will try to cook it and hope that you will like it such as I do..
Until my next post, kind regards,
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