Today I would like to talk to you about a very interesting project, started by a young and courageous woman, from Asturias, called Marian Cienfuegos, 4 years ago. She called her business project "Comeveydile" (“Eatgoandtellit”) --doing a simile of the famous expression "Correveydile"(“Rungoandtellit”), which refers to the gossip person--.

Photo of Marian Cienfuegos in Facebook

Marian is the first person, who creates a company, to serve homemade food to the offices, in Malaga.
She cooks different Menus, from Monday to Friday, and you can find different types of Menus, each day. You can choose a menu for 5,50 Euros. And delivery is free. I am going to show you several Menus with some dishes:

Menu with Puchero de garbanzos and Macedonia on Monday

Puchero de garbanzos = Chickpea stew

Macedonia de frutas = Fruit salad

Menu with Lentejas con verduras on Tuesday

Lentejas con verduras = Lentils with Vegetables on Tuesday

Menu with Cinta de lomo en salsa al whisky y nueces on Wenesday

Cazuela de fideos, pescado y marisco = Casserole of noodles, fish and seafood

Cinta de lomo en salsa al whisky y nueces = Loin tape in whiskey sauce and nuts on Wenesday

Menu with Porra con atun o jamon y Arroz con atun on Thursday

Porra con atun = Porra with tuna

Arroz con atun = Rice with tuna

Pollo a la moruna = Chicken on moorish style

Natillas con huevo y almendras = Custard with egg and almonds

Menu with crema de pescado y verduras on Friday

Crema de pescado y verduras = Cream of fish and vegetables on Friday
But you can taste another Menu on Friday:

Menu with Solomillo a la mostaza on Friday

Solomillo a la mostaza con patatas hervidas =Sirloin with mustard and boiled potatoes

Solomillo con salsa de mostaza con patatas fritas = Sirloin with mustard and chips
I wanted to talk to you about this project, because Marian is alone and I think she deserves a little help --especially after having suffered a robbery by 2 deliverymen, whom she took on the company--. Therefore, I hope that you will like this article and hope that you can use this service, if you live in Malaga and tell it your friends --or maybe you want to create a company like this, if you live in another city--.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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