Researchers from the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) are participating in a major international project, funded by the European Commission, to develop a portable device, that will detect heart failure from saliva samples. The project, called “KardiaTooly platform”, will allow a quick, easy and efficient diagnosis, and personalised and improved health care for patients suffering from heart failure.

Heart failure
The “KardiaTool platform” will include a portable device, KardiaPOC (POC for point of care), to quickly and accurately detect the biomarkers of heart failure. It will be coupled with the KardiaLOC device, a low-cost, single-use laboratory-on-a-chip that will integrate sensors, actuators, microelectromechanical and microelectronic systems, biochemicals, and functionalised magnetic nanoparticles, to detect biomarkers from samples of saliva.

Kardia Tool

Test made with saliva
The team of the researcher Joan Bausells, from the Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona (IMB-CNM), will work on the microelectronic silicon sensors that will detect the biomarkers, and will collaborate in the design of the KardiaLOC. On the other hand, the researcher Francesc Teixidor and his team at the Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona (ICMAB) will work on the synthesis and functionalization of magnetic nanoparticles, which will constitute the support for specific antibodies for each biomarker.

Joan Bausells

Francesc Teixidor
In addition, the device will also include a software as a support for tooking decisions, named “KardiaSoft”, based on prediction model techniques, which will analyse the data collected in the KardiaPOC, and other patient data, in order to provide information on the diagnosis and the monitoring of therapy.
KardiaTool groups the participation of fourteen partners from nine European countries and the United States. The consortium consists of five universities, five research centers, two small and medium-sized companies, and two industrial partners.
The members of the consortium of the “KardiaTool” project are: the Normal Higher School of Lyon (France), the University of Pisa (Italy), the Ioannina University (Greece), the University of Surrey (United Kingdom), the University College of Dublin (Ireland) ), the Greek Foundation for Research and Technology (Greece), the National Research Council (Italy), the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits (Germany), Micron Microtechnologies (The Netherlands), BioTray (France), Imec (Belgium), ValoTec (France), EnaChip (USA), and the Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona (ICMAB) and the Microelectronics Institute of Barcelona-National Center for Microelectronics (IMB-CNM).


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Until my next post, kind regards,
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