Today I would like to show you a recipe by the great Spanish chef, Karlos Arguiñano, that I have not tasted but I think it looks good: "Stew meat with beans and potatoes".
These are the Ingredients, for 4 people: 600 grams of shank (hock). 100 grams of small dry beans. 1 onion. 3 leeks. 1 green pepper. 2 carrots. 3 garlic cloves. 2 potatoes. 2 tablespoons of flour. 1 glass of red wine. Extra virgin olive oil. Salt. Pepper in grain. 1 branch of rosemary.
To prepare this recipe, you have to follow these steps: first you have to put the beans in soaking, with enough water, in a bowl, the night before; and keep the bowl.
Then you have to add salt and pepper to the chunks of meat, pass them through flour and fry them in a pan with oil. Then drain the pieces on a plate, lined with absorbent paper; reserve it.
Now, chop the garlic, the onion, the leeks, the green pepper and the carrots and poach with a little stream of oil, in the pot. Season. When everything is well poached, pour the wine, boil it and crush it. Add the meat, the beans with their water, the rosemary branch and between 15 and 20 grams of pepper.
Put the lid on the pot and cook it for 15 minutes, starting when the steam starts to come out.
Then peel the potatoes, cut them into large and friable dice, in a pan, with enough oil. Drain, on a plate lined with absorbent paper, to remove excess oil. Serve the potatoes with the stew of meat and beans. Garnish the dish with the rosemary branch.
And this must be the result:

Well, I hope that you will like this recipe and hope that you can try to cook it. If you do it, please tell me it.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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