Today I want to talk to you about many other Spanish riddles, because I have not talked about them here for a long time.
I will put the riddles here and, in another post, I will put the solutions to these riddles. But I hope that you guess right some of them, without looking at the solutions.
These are the riddles, that I will put for you today:
1. Cabecita fría, Little cold head
la noche haces día night you do day,
cuando te restriego, when I rub you,
cabeza de fuego. head of fire.
2. Diminuta astillita Tiny splinter
de cabecita roja, with little red head,
capaz de hacer cenizas able to make ashes
a la encina más gorda. to the fattest oak.
3. Yo tengo calor y frío I am hot and cold
y no frío sin calor and not cold without heat
y sin ser ni mar ni río and without being neither sea nor
peces en mí he visto yo. I have seen fish in me.
4. Dicen que quien lo tiene They say that whoever has it
es muy gracioso, It is very funny,
se sacude en la mesa is shaking on the table
contra lo soso. against the bland.
5. En la punta sur de España, In the southern tip of Spain,
una ciudad con castillo a city with a castle
que al moro no se rindió that the Moor did not surrender
porque Guzmán no cedió because Guzmán did not give in
ni ante la muerte de su hijo. nor faced with the death of his son.
6. Pasa el Ebro por mi puerta Pass the Ebro through my door
y mi canción lleva al mar. and my song takes to the sea.
Aquí apareció la Virgen Here the Virgin appeared
en lo alto de un pilar. on top of a pillar.
7. Zapatos de goma, Rubber shoes,
ojos de cristal, Cristal eyes,
con una manguera with a hose
lo alimentarás, you will feed it,
dentro del garaje inside the garaje
lo sueles guardar. you usually save it.
8. Una pregunta muy fácil A very easy question
sabiéndola contestar, knowing how to answer,
¿qué planta se riega justo, What plant is watered just,
cuando la van a cortar?. when will they cut it?.
9. Con ella vives, With her you live,
con ella hablas, with her you speak,
con ella rezas with her you pray
y hasta bostezas. and even yawns.
10. En la jirafa descuella, In the giraffe it stands out
bajo la barba del rey, under the king's beard,
lo tiene cualquier botella, any bottle has it,
la camisa o el jersey. the shirt or the sweater.
11. Uno se cree superior, One thinks himself superior,
el otro inferior se siente, the other lower one feels,
sin decirse nunca nada without saying anything
mucho se quieren, they love each other,
tanto que siempre so much that always
they are kissing. they are kissing each other
12. Entre dos murallas blancas Between two white walls
hay una flor colorada, There is a red flower,
que con lluvia o con buen tiempo, that with rain or with good
está siempre bien mojada. It is always well wet.
13. Tiene grandes pabellones, It has large pavilions,
pero no tiene habitaciones. but it has no rooms.
14. Podrás tocarlos, You can touch them,
podrás cortarlos, you can cut them,
pero nunca contarlos. but you can never count them.
15. Sólo tres letras tengo Only three letters I have
pero tu peso yo sostengo. but your weight I hold.
Si me tratas con cuidado, If you treat me with care,
te llevaré a cualquier lado. I will take you anywhere.
Well, I hope that you will like these other riddles.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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