About the Spanish Economy in 2018
Wednesday, April 25, 2018 @ 6:50 PM
Today I would like to show you a report prepared by the Professor of Applied Economics at the Autonomous University of Madrid, José Vicéns Otero, on the Spanish Economy this year 2018.

José Vicéns Otero
This is what the Professor says: "Our predictions, for the Spanish Economy, contained in our last Report, insist on the same line as the previous ones: Spain is growing, at very important rates, and will continue to grow, in the next future. Our growth rate has exceeded 3 percent, in the past, and will be close, both in 2017 and 2018. Acceptable behavior of domestic demand and exceptional behavior of our foreign sector --our exports work "to all speed"--. This allows us, for example, that our current account deficit does not exist --we are in surplus, in current account--. In addition, a variable in our favour is investment, which denotes the confidence that is in the Spanish economy. And not only the investment in fixed assets, but also the real estate investment is accelerating; therefore, their perspectives are very positive. All the data of our economic balance is included in the "Trends" Report, where we also highlight 3 potential risks to this optimism; but they are risks with a "restrained" probability: in the first place, the rise in the price of oil --this has already risen: close to 40 percent and possibly going to continue rising--, therefore, this may be a certain ballast for the growth of our economy. Secondly: a potential crisis of International Trade, if the protectionist measures end up being implemented. And, finally, --and in the case of our economy-- the possible effect --which we consider very limited-- of the "Catalan crisis" on the growth of the whole of Spain. We consider it limited --although we do consider that it will of course affect the growth of Catalonia--, but our prediction, as a whole, is positioning itself at rates of 3 percent, both in 2017 and 2018".
Well, I hope this is interesting for you.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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