Resveratrol, a compound found naturally in fruits such as grapes or some plants, has protective effects against cellular alterations, that occur in Alzheimer's disease, according to researchers from the Centre for Biomedical Research in the Epidemiology and Health Network Public (CIBERESP) and the Institute of Biomedical Research of Barcelona of the CSIC and the Institute of Biomedical Research August Pi and Sunyer (IDIBAPS).


In the work, carried out with transgenic Alzheimer's mice and published in the journal Molecular Neurobiology, the scientists added resveratrol to the diet of two groups of rodents, a control group and another with Alzheimer's pathology.
In both cases, an improved response was observed in learning, although in the case of those affected by Alzheimer's, there was an effect of protection against memory loss and against the pathology. Likewise, the scientists observed an increase in proteolysis activity, that is, the mechanisms of abnormal protein degradation such as beta-amyloid and hyperphosphorylated tau, which are the main causes of neuronal death.
In this way, the scientists observed that rodents that had taken resveratrol, in their diet, had, on the cellular level, an increase in the enzyme neprilysin, which degrades beta-amyloid protein, and, on the other hand, an increase in proteosome, a protein complex that breaks down abnormal proteins. In the same way, they discovered in the cells of rodents a decrease in the beta-secretase enzyme, that initiates the formation of beta-amyloid.
"In addition, in the work we have verified that resveratrol activates the molecular pathway of neuroprotection of sirtuin 1", explained the researcher of CIBERESP and first signatory of the study, Rubén Corpas, to ensure that this controversial mechanism of action of resveratrol contributes, "without a doubt", to the improvements detected in the control and transgenic mice.

Ruben Corpas
In the same way, the CSIC researcher leading the study, Coral Sanfeliu, has pointed out that the results open the door to consider resveratrol, or the derived compounds that are being synthesised to improve bioavailability, as preventive or decelerator of the Alzheimer's disease.

Coral Sanfeliu
"Resveratrol has reversed the Alzheimer's of mice, but the disease in humans is much more complex and severe and could hardly be curative, like many other experimental therapies, that have not been active when they reach the tests in patients. Is a long way away to find an effective drug against Alzheimer's, maybe it will be a mixture of drugs”, the researcher added.
Finally, the experts, who have counted on the help of scientists from the University of Barcelona and the CIBERNED (CIBER of Neurodegenerative Diseases), have highlighted that the activation of the mechanisms of proteolysis and sirtuin 1, in healthy mice, is a "very significant" fact, since it shows that it is possible to acquire a certain "brain resilience", against future neurodegenerative pathologies.
But, aside from these chemical compounds, I would like to recommend some foods to you, including Resveratrol; these are the following: Red bilberries, black bilberries, black grapes, red wine and white wine.

Foods with Resveratrol
Well, I hope that you will like this article.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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