Today I would like to share with you a very Andalusian recipe: "Abajalá de Algeciras".
These are the Ingredients, for 4 people:
1 kg. of mixed fish (monkfish, sea bream, sea bream, hake, tuna, mackerel, ..)
2 ripe tomatoes
1 onion
250 grs. of hard bread
1 glass of white wine
1 dl. of olive oil
4 cloves of garlic
1 litre of fish stock (can be made with concentrate pills)
Parsley and pepper
Salt and water

Some Ingredients
Now you have to cut the fish, into large pieces, and cook it, in the broth with the wine, for 10 minutes. Then, apart from the saucepan, take out the fish and reserve it. Apart, prepare a sauce with onion, garlic, tomato and parsley, all chopped, and add the broth from boiling the fish. Let cook for another 10 minutes.

Cooking the soup
Make a side dish with a clove of garlic, black pepper, saffron and a little olive oil and pour into the broth (reserving 150 cl. Apart) together with the bread with pinches or thin slices, giving a boil of about two or three minutes. Remove the soup and serve hot, as a first dish.
And this must be the result of the soup:

The soup of the Abajalá
From the second dish, the fishes are placed, accompanied by a sauce made with a little of the previously reserved broth, a mashed garlic and enough oil, put on the fire, already emulsified and heating it with the fishes.
These are two examples of the second dish:

One example of Abajalá

Tapa of Abajalá in La Canalla
This is the restaurant “La Canalla”, in Algeciras (Cadiz. South of Spain).

La Canalla
And these are the first and the second dishes together:

The two dishes together
Well, I hope that you will like this recipe.
Until my next post, kind regards
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