Today I would like to show you the recipe for a very tasty dish: "Stew meat with potatoes and gurumelos".
The gurumelo is a highly appreciated edible basidiomycete fungus species, that comes from the central and western Andalusia, especially in Huelva and southern Extremadura (Spain) and Alentejo (southern Portugal).


Gurumelos close up
We are going to a village (Zalamea la Real), in Huelva, where Aurora (the cook of “Casa Marsal”) is going to prepare a dish of "Stew meat with potatoes and gurumelos".

Zalamea la Real

Zalamea la Real close up

Plaza de Andalucía

Restaurant Casa Marsal
These are the Ingredients that Aurora will use: 1/2 kilo of gurumelos, 1/2 kilo of pork loin, a little olive oil, potatoes, 1 onion, 4 cloves of garlic, 1 tomato, 1 pepper , 2 leaves of bay, 1 pin of broth of meat, 1 small glass of white wine, pepper, salt and water.

The ingredients for the sauté

Chopped tomato and onion
Now you have to put the ingredients in a pan, to make the sauté.
And this must be the result of the sauté:

The sauté finished
Now you have to add the meat to the sauté and you have to wait 45 minutes, more or less, until the meat is tender.
But now you also have to pour some black pepper and bay.
When 45 minutes have passed, you have to add the wine, salt, water, potatoes and gurumelos, in another casserole pot, with more depth.

Stew in a casserole pot
Then, you have to wait 30 minutes, on low heat, and move the stew from time to time, until the potatoes are tender --pinch some potato, from time to time, to know when they are tender-- .
And, after 30 minutes, this should be the result:

Stew of meat with potatoes and gurumelos
Well, I hope that you will like the recipe and hope that you will try to cook it. If you do it, please tell it me.
Untill my next post, kind regards,
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