Spanish sayings 108
Thursday, August 13, 2009 @ 1:05 PM
"The good melon is knowed by the smell". "When something is good, it is knowed by the traces that it gives: in the case of melon, by its good smell".
By the way of "Melon", I recommend you to try the melon from Villaconejos (Villaconejos de Trabeque), --Villaconejos is a little village (3.092 residents, in 2007), situated 48 Kilometers from Madrid--.There are another villages, closed to Villaconejos, like: Chinchón (a village famous by its square and the suckling pig), Colmenar de Oreja, Villamanrique de Tajo, Titulcia, .........
As I was telling you, about "Melon from Villaconejos", I recommend it to you, because I tryed it, three years ago, here, in Algeciras, where you can buy it, only the firs week of August, in a fruit shop of the centre.I assure you that it is exquisite.