Yesterday, I went to Zahara de los Atunes and, among Tarifa and Zahara, I could make this picture. Here, in the middle of the picture, you can see the logotype of the Gonzalez&Byass´wine cellars.Just a long time ago, you could find this image, in many roads in Spain.It is composed by a bottle of wine "Fino Tio Pepe", a wide-brimmed hat (or "Hat from Cordoba") a red jacket and a guitar.This is the story of the Company:
Gonzalez & Byass was established in 1835, by Manuel Maria Gonzalez Ángel and the next year was associated his agent in London, Robert Blake Byass,; from the union among both last names, arises the actual denomination of the wine cellars.Although in the years 1980, the Byass´heirs leaved the Company and the González´s heirs continue takeing directive places.
It is the main company of wine cellar in Jerez de la Frontera (Cadiz).The pedigree of Tio Pepe was established in 1844 and it has not been cut off since then.Its name is because of a founder´s uncle, Tio Pepe (Tio Pepe, Tio = uncle), on whose honor produced a variety of dry fino wine, who gave an international fame to the wine cellar.
The wine cellars instalations of the Company are opened for visit everyday each year and they are one of the main ways for tourist people, in Jerez.(it has more than 240.000 visits in a year).Moreover, in its wine cellars, there are a lot of barrels, signed by celebrities: artist people, sport people, members of the Royal family and so on.....

I have seeing this image since I was a child, in Madrid, just in the center (in the Puerta del Sol,
where is the Km zero of Spain).

This weather vane has the Record Guiness to the bigest weather vane in the world; it is in Jerez.

At least, I arrived to Zahara de los Atunes and around 9:30 h. pm, I could make this picture.I hope that you like this sunset such as I do.