Last February, I could make some pictures about a variety of spanish fishes and other kind of animals from sea in the Algeciras market.

First of all, I made a picture to a fish named "Pez Espada" or "Aguja palá".It use to be eaten sliced and on grill.That day (8 of February) it costed 18 Euros / One Kilogram.Usually, fish is cheap, here, but I think that day was even cheaper.

This fish is named "Gallineta".It is a rock fish and it is similar to Salmonete.That day,it costs 10 Euros (One kilogram).

This fish is named "Gallo San Pedro".Usually it is cooked on grill.It costs 10 Euros too.
These are named "Camarones" (prawns).And the way to cooking is the famous "Prawns omelette" --cooked with abundant oil-- and it is let and is very good eaten with hands.It costs 14 Euros/One kg.Praws are smaller than shrimps.

This fish is Bacalao (Cod).It costs 9 Euros/One Kg.

These are named "Chirlas" (Small clams).It costs 7 Euros.

This fish is Atun (Tuna).It costs 12 Euros.

This fish is Salmón (Salmon) and it costs 8 Euros / One Kg.

These are Gambas (Shrimps); bust just these ones are "Gambas arroceras" (Shrimps for rice): it means that they are special for being cooked with rice.It costs 4 Euros / One Kg.
This fish is named "Pijota" (Hake).It is usually cooked with abundant oil.It costs 6 Euros.

These are named "Burgaillos"; they are similar than chirlas and they are eaten with a pin: you take the pin and put it into the burgaillo and spear its "meal" and take it out, in order to carry it on your mouth.It cost 7 Euros / One Kg.

Each one of these is named "Concha fina" (Clam on the half shell).It is eaten raw and with a little bit of squeezed lemon.It cost 5 Euros /One Kg.

These are named Boquerones (Anchovies).They are usually eaten fried, with flour, before.It cost 5 Euros / One Kg.
These are named "Cañaillas" , and they are eaten with a pin too.They cost 8 Euros / One Kg.
These are Cigalas (Crawfish).It cost 28 Euros / one Kg.

These are named Carabineros.They cost 40 Euros / One Kg.
These are named "Almejas japónicas".It cost 16 Euros / One Kg.

These are Mejillones (Mussels).They cost 4 Euros / One Kg.

Another kind of Camarones.These were cheaper: 12 Euros.

These are Doradas (Gilthead breams).They cost 12 Euros.They are very good cooked in the oven.

This is a Langosta (Lobster).In that moment, it just was fished; then, it was alive.As I did not want to buy it, it was sold to a lady.She payed 18 Euros.