Some Important places in Andalusia: The Velez´Castle
Wednesday, September 9, 2009 @ 12:04 PM

Picture by Juantxy, in Flick.r
This is the Marquis of Velez Blanco´s Castle, in Almería, (D. Pedro Fajardo).
The presence of italian artists leaved an unmistakable trace in the construction of the superb Castle which dominates Velez Blanco, put it up in Century XVI, on an Alcazaba (a kind of arabic fortress) of Boabdil. Its gallery looks out over the rooves of the village and it offers a beautiful panoramic view of the nearby Mountain range Mary (Sierra María), where is hidden the famous The Cave of the Notices (La Cueva de los Letreros).The insides of the Castle, so plundered, included the magnificent renaissance "Patio of Honor" (Patio de Honor) which today is showed in The Metropolitan Museum of New York.

Picture by Manel Rodríguez, in Flickr
This is the village Velez Blanco, from the Castle.
It is recommended the Hotel House of the archs; it has 3 Stars.It is situated in the Saint Francisco Street, number 2.From the hotel, you can see the Castle and the neighbohood of the Morería.The rooms have a decor based in antiques.There are 14 rooms --the most of them are doubles-- and a room for meeting.The contact in the hotel is: Telephone number: 950 614 805. / 950 614 947 email: casa_de_los_arcos·
But, also, close Velez Blanco, you can rent some country houses, like El Serbal, among Velez Blanco and Velez Rubio; Tphone: 679 533 309 and La Almazara Alta, to 6 Kms from Velez Blanco, in the side of the Muela Grande; Telephone number: 950 415 394.