Some important places in Andalusia: Lucainena de las Torres
Monday, September 14, 2009 @ 1:49 PM

This is Lucainena de las Torres (Almería), a village named so cause of its famous ovens of calcification.
Picture by Jorlo, in flickr

Those are the ovens.
Picture by Sofía, in flickr

Here you can see a very nice street of Lucainena.
Picture by Hector García, in flickr

Another nice street.
Picture by Hector García, in flickr

As you can see, the village is impeccable.
Picture by Hector García, in flickr
In outskirts of Lucainena de las Torres (Lucainena of the Towers), still stay on foot the chimneys of the ovens of smelting used for the mineral that was gotten in this region, rich on deposits of iron and copper.A valuable sign of industrial archaelogy, which also includes manufacturing buildings. just like remains of dumps and the railway which was used for moveing the mineral to the coast through the boulevard of Polopos.
Close accommodations: Within the limited offer of accommodations, it is worth it to mention the Cortijo los Baños; tphone: 950 525 250, a building from the Century XIX, situated 1 Km from Lucainena.Its instalations include: 6 double rooms and services of hydrotherapy and massage.