Some important places in Andalusia: Ovens from Sorbas.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009 @ 3:42 AM

This is the village of Sorbas (Almería).
Picture by Hector García, at

Sorbas from another angle.
Picture by Hector García, at
The typical hanging haouses in Sorbas.
Picture by Hector García.
The handicraft of the clay still is going on alive in the popular neighborhood of the potters of Sorbas, at the foot of this village on some precipices that peak fall over the river Aguas.The land, irrigated by the modest bed, feeds the industry of the local ceramics that includes arabic wood ovens. In the are around Sorbas, the river Aguas is hidden in a underground gallery of caves and abyss lined by crystals of gypsum.

This is a sign of that gallery, with gypsum and water.
Picture by Hector García, at
Closer Accommodations: The more confortable option is looking for an accommodation in the old quarter of Sobras, qhere there are two houses for whole rent: Casa de Felipe (tphone:: 950 364221).4 Kms from Sorbas, La Casa de Colonias La Cumbre (Tphone: 950 526392) offers accommodation in its plainly instalations, surrounded by an arid and shocking landscape.