Picture by pollobarba, in flickr.
The "Melocotón de Calanda" ("Peach from Calanda") is a designation of origin, since 1999.
Calanda is an area, situated among the provinces of Teruel and Zaragoza.

These are "Peaches from Calanda"; I have just bought them.You can see the label, which shows the designation of origin; in this case, the company is "San Miguel" --probably is the name choosed by the owner--.
In 50s, they started to protect the peaches, before taking them off from the tree, with some bags made of paper, that should prevent the flies eating the peaches.He checked that his peaches ripened healthy; however, in other farms, the peaches died.That technique was named "Embolsado" (To put a bag).In 70s and 80s, the expansion of this farming grow up till 3.000 Has.
The production of this unique fruit appear in medieval documents, under the forms "presec" or "priscos".
The plantations of Melocoton de Calanda are in the region of the Bajo Aragón, an environment, whose geographical and climatic characteristics let to make a product sweet, consistent and flesby.
The technique of "Embolsado" let getting a product healthy and clean.
The Melocoton de Calanda has gotten its fame thanks its special size, quality and seetness.But, also, cause of its cream yellow and pajizo (straw) yellow color, that make it to be a colorful and distinguished fruit.
To be continued.....