A new spanish rip-off
Thursday, October 15, 2009 @ 8:21 PM
"Dime....", by Guesus, in flickr.
The night before yesterday, a lady called to an spanish radio station, to tell a neighbor´s case.She told that a young boy went to this old lord ´ s home, telling him that he (the boy) was working carrying on a liitle apparatus of "Teleasistencia" ("Telecare") for old people.The boy told to the lord --who was living alone-- that the apparatus was spoiled and he had to take it out of his home; and he told him that he had to take the VISA and his DNI (Personal Id), in order to receivable the repair of the apparatus.The lord accepted. And the boy went to a cash dispenser and took 900 Euros out.
Please, Be care !!!!!!!!!
This boy --and surely another people-- is doing that in Cataluña (Barcelona, Tarragona, Lerida and Gerona).The lady, who told this story, told that the company responsible of that apparatus, said that "please, nobody gives its account number to anybody without confidence".
I do not know if that lord has thought the possibility of reporting the boy to the Police; but my wife (as a lawyer) has told me that it is perfectly reportable.
Note: Perhaps, when you have seeing the tittle, you have thought that it should talk about a new fraud about Real State.I am sorry, if it has been so.But I thought that the rip-off that I have told you, should be interesting for you.Anyway, excuseme.
I am sorry that it happens in my country; but I hope that you know that in Spain there are many good persons and other very good things.