"Camino Soria", by P.Medina, at flickr.com
A cada parte, hay tres leguas de mal camino = Each party, there are three leagues of bad road
This saying warns that in all the insistences and jobs, there are some difficult moments, but these ones get to be overcome.
By the way of road and by the way of Soria, I can tell you that there, in that region of Spain, the famous spanish writer, Antonio Machado, was inspired for writing some of his wonderful poems.I am going to repeat some verses from one of these poems:
Campos de Soria = lands of Soria
En el campo ondulado, y los caminos = On the undulating land, and the roads ya ocultan los viajeros que cabalgan = already hide the travelers who ride en pardos borriquillos = on brown little donkeys ........................
And other verse, belonged the poem "Campos de Soria", says that Soria is an arid and cold land.But, it does not matter, because "our road"--to Soria or any other site-- is enough important as to support a lot of difficulties.Our bigest road is Life.
Also, another poem, by Antonio Machado, talks about road; this is a very famous poem and its tittle is: "Caminante, no hay camino" = "Walker, there is no road"; I am going to repeat the first verses:
Caminante son tus huellas = Walker they are your tracks El camino nada mas = The road nothing else, caminante no hay camino = walker there is no road se hace camino al andar. = road is done when you walk. Al andar se hace camino = When you walk road is making y al volver la vista atras = and when you turn back your sight se ve la senda que nunca = you see the path that you have never se ha de volver a pisar. = return to step on.
For example, the people who every year make "El camino de Santiago" ("The road of Santiago") know that for making it, they need to be strong --physical and psycologicaly--, to have patience, to have hopness, because, at least, they will arrive to a wonderful place (the town Santiago de Compostela).Thousands of pilgrims every year walk on several roads, like the one in the next picture:
"Camino de Santiago", by FreeCat, at flickr.com

"Santiago de Compostela", by ReservadeCoches.com, at flickr.com
Here, you can see the Cathedral.
People who have made the road to Santiago say that it is a very special experience.Also, they say that Santiago de Compostela is nicer if you go there when it is raining.
The cathedral is just in the big square, named "Plaza del Obradoiro", but there is another little square, not less nice; it is named "Plaza de la Quintana":

"Plaza de la Quintana, Santiago de Compostela", by ReservasdeCoches.com, at flickr.com
Before closing this post, I should like to thank you for visiting my Blog, because it is a very important part of my Road.