Sanctuary for primates
Friday, November 27, 2009 @ 12:40 AM

"Chimpance IV", by akirsa, in flickr
AAP Primadomus is a local office, that belongs to the Foundation AAP, in Holland. Established in 1972, thanks to the couple, Riga and Okko Reussien, who loved animals and they created it in order to rescue animals who need help.
The Main Office of the Foundation AAP is in Holland; but, cause of weather, above all, they opened a new office in Villena (Alicante, Spain).Here is where the animals are.Above all, they are chimpanzees (animals very intelligent and so alike to men).
Actually, the Foundation AAP is the official centre for fostering of primates and, each time, it colaborates more in the rescue of animals from all of Europe.
Here, in Villena, they take animals leaved --when they are old or dangerous--.They come from Spain or another countries in Europe; but, above all, they come from Africa.