This post is specially dedicated to abbbb1

"España-Cuenca", by fontxito, at
In 1996, Cuenca was declared World Heritage, by UNESCO.

"Moros y Cristianos de Valverde en Cuenca", by .Kikaytete.QNK, at
In the middle of the picture, to the rigt side, you can see the Cathedral of Cuenca.
Anothe general view of the city of Cuenca:

"Cuenca I", by ervega, at
If you go to Cuenca, I recommend to cross "The bridge of San Pablo", from the Church of San Pablo, to the hanging houses and, after that, go through the Street of the hanging houses, to the Plaza Mayor.

"Cuenca, casas colgadas", by randihausken, at
Here you can see the hanging houses, with balconies made of wood and iron.
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