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Spanish singer: Manuel Carrasco
Saturday, December 26, 2009 @ 12:17 PM

This post is a tribute to every person who suffers, cause of living under pressure by another person; to everybody, who is a weak person and it is not abble to release her or himself, cause of love, for example.Everybody has right to its freedom.So: that --as this song says-- nobody silences your truth; that nobody drown your heart; that nobody makes you cry anymore, falling to pieces yourself in silence; that nobody forces you to die, cutting your wings, when flying; that come back your willing to live.

 Manuel Carrasco was born in Isla Cristina (Huelva) in 1981.

He started his race, at Music, through the competition, on TV, "Operacion Triunfo" (in its second edition).He finished, in that Academy of Music, between the three better singers.Then, he could publish his first album --it was "Quiereme" and it was published in 2003--.

In 2004, he published the album "Manuel Carrasco".

In 2006, he published the album "Tercera parada".

In 2008, he published the album "Inercia".

In 2009, he published "Inercia" --but, luxury edition--.

In 2009, he published a single, "Que nadie", with Malú.This song belongs to the album "Inercia" (2008).If you want to watch the video, clic down here:

And this is the words:

Empezaron los problemas
se engancho a la pena
se aferro a la soledad
ya no mira las estrellas
mira sus ojeras
cansada de pelear.

Olvidandose de todo
busca algun modo
de encontrar su libertad
el cerrojo que le aprieta
le pone cadenas
y nunca descansa en paz
y tu dignidad se a quedado esperando a que vuelvas


Que nadie calle tu verdad
que nadie te ahogue el corazon
que nadie te haga mas llorar
hundiendote en silencio
que nadie te obligue a morir
cortando tu alas al volar
que vuelvan tus ganas de vivir

En el tunel del espanto
todo se hace largo
cuando se iluminara
amarrado a su destino
va sin ser testigo
de tu lento caminar

Tienen hambre sus latidos
pero son sumisos
y suenan a su compas
la alegria traicionera
le cierra la puerta
o se sienta en su sofa
y tu dignidad se a quedado esperando a que vuelva


Que nadie calle tu verdad
que nadie te ahogue el corazon
que nadie te haga mas llorar
mintiendote en silencio
que nadie te obligue a morir
cortando tus alas al volar
que vuelvan tus ganas de vivir

Que nadie calle tu verdad
que nadie te ahogue el corazon
que nadie te haga mas llorar
hundiendote en silencio
que nadie te obligue a morir
cortando tus alas al volar
que vuelvan tus ganas de vivir...

At the end of the video, you can read, on a plane made of paper: "QUE NADIE CALLE TU VERDAD. PASALO" = "THAT NOBODY SHUT UP YOUR TRUTH. PASS IT.".


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