Today, I have cooked "Bacalao a la Vizcaina" = "Cod Vizcaya style".
Ingredients: Olive oil, onions, tomatoes, red pepper, garlics, dry red pepper, salt, white wine and water.
The way to cook: I took two big onions and I cut them so chopped and I threw it into a frying pan, with a little bit olive oil.After 2 minutes, i threw out a red pepper, also so chopped.I stirred everything for 5 minutes.After that, I threw out 5 tomatoes, without skin and without seeds.I cut them so much.Also I cut 4 cloves of garlic, so chopped. I stirred everything for 10 minutes.Then, I threw out a little bit salt and a glass of white wine.I stirred and leaved everything for a while.After some minutes, I threw out a glass of water.
After that, I threw everything into a mixer and I threw the result out into a relatively big cake tin --the best receptacle is a casserole made of clay; but I have not anyone big--.
By other side, I fried 9 pieces of cod into a frying pan, with a little bit hot olive oil.I fried them --but not too much--, with the skin looking up.After that, I put the pieces into the sauce.I threw out a little bit sauce over the pieces and I put 3 "ñoras" = "Pimientos choriceros" = "Dry peppers", without seeds.But, I did not know that the "pimientos choriceros" had to be put in hot water for several hours and, after, to have been scrape, inside, in order to take out the seeds and put the pulp of the ·pimientos choriceros" into the sauce; but you have not to leave the "ñoras" into the sauce.
Well....this one was the result:

Bacalao a la Vizcaina.