ROSA was born in a village of Granada and started her race, in Music, after being in the Academy of "Operación Triunfo" (in the First Edition of the Competition).She won the Competition and, moreover, she was very loved, inside the Academy and out of it --in fact shegot being named "Rosa de España"--.
When she went out of the Academy, she represented to Spain in The Eurovision Song Contest, in 2002.
Her first album was named "Rosa".It includes 12 songs, as for example "La apuesta", with her companier Manu Tenorio.Also, Rosa sings the song "I say a little prayer", by Aretha Franklin.
In 2003, afeter overcoming a problem with her throat, she publishe the album "Ahora" = "Now".Here, she sings some songs in Spanish and others in English.
In 2006, Rosa published the album "Me siento viva".Here, she made an important change in her life.
In 2008, she published the album "Promesas".Here, Rosa sings several songs by Michael Bolton, Black, Diana Ross and Scorpions.
Along her race, Rosa has made a very important change, in her life, above all, whe she lost weight.Now, you will see that, when you watch different videos of her.
Look at here, when she started, in the Academy of "Operacion Triunfo" --clic down here:
And now, look at her, in this next video.Clic down here:
And this is the words:
Quiso Dios, con su poder
fundir cuatro rayitos de sol
y hacer con ellos una mujer.
Y al cumplir su voluntad
en un jardín de España nací
como la flor en el rosal.
Tierra gloriosa de mi querer
tierra bendita de perfume y pasión
España en toda flor a tus pies
suspira un corazón.
Ay de mi pena mortal
porqué me alejo España de ti
porqué me arrancan de mi rosal.
Quiero yo volver a ser
la luz de aquel rayito de sol
hecho mujer
por voluntad de Dios.
¡Ay, madre mía!
¡ay! quién pudiera
ser luz del día
y al rayar la amanecida
sobre España renacer.
Mis pensamientos
han revestido
el firmamento
de besos míos
y sobre España
como gotas de rocío
los dejo caer.
En mi corazón
España te miro
y el eco llevará de mi canción
a España en un suspiro.