A Spanish reflection
Sunday, January 17, 2010 @ 4:45 AM
I have just hear,on National Radio of Spain, to one of the spanish survivors in Haiti, who has just come to Spain and has said: "Nosotros no somos la noticia, la noticia está allí" = "We are not the news, the news is there".And, after that, he has finished, saying: "Aquí, tenemos agua potable para ducharnos; allí, no tienen agua para beber" = " Here, we have potable water for showering; there, they have no water for drinking"; that impressed me.
Another thing,that impressed me, was watching, on tv, the rescue of a pregnant woman.She and her baby (unborn), still alive, were, during four days, under several tons of debris.It has been a miracle!, the miracle of Life.More than a hundred thousand people without life or exhausting it, because the international help does not arrive there, as quickly as it should be necessary, but a woman is abble to survive and hold her baby ´s life.It seems to be incredible.
Sunday, 17: This afternoon, I have watched, on tv, the picture of that baby (a girl); she is well and her mother too.It is the kind face for hopness, between such a pain.I am so glad.
May God protect victims!
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