I am going to explain you some spanish words or expessions from this song:
Dama de noche: It is a white flower, named "The shy flower", because, whith the hot of summer, she stay closed, and she blooms, in the night, distilling one of the most exquisite fragances.
Levante: Here, in the area of Cádiz and the Straight of Gibraltar, there are two kinds of wind: Levante and Poniente.When is Levante, the wind goes to the back of Gibraltar (from the East) and, when it is Poniente, the wind goes to the front of Gibraltar (from the West).For example: in Tarifa, the Levante is strong and warm.The Poniente is strong, cold and well channeled --cold, because it comes from the sea and, well channeled, because the Straight of Gibraltar creates the effect "Tunnel".
La Pepa: So was named tha Spanish Constitution of 1812.It was enacted by the Parliament of Spain, in March 19, 1812, in Cádiz.The historical importance is big, as it was the first one enacted Constitution in Spain and besides being one of the most liberal in its time.About the origin of his nickname, La Pepa, the Constitution was enacted the day of Saint José, where would the nicKname.The monument started to be built in 1912 and finished in 1928; it was unveiled in March-19, 2001.The name "La Pepa" has been used, many years, in different words, in the Carnival of Cadiz --it is celebrated, each year, around the second or the third week of February--.
Las bombitas que tiran los fanfarrones: It is refered tho the song "Con las bombas que tiran los fanfarrones", from the film "Lola la Piconera", song by Rocío Jurado.
Lorenzo: So is named the Sun.
La Tia Norica: La Tia Norica from Cadiz is a tradition of marionettes, which has 200 years old.This tradition disappeared in 1959; but it stayed in the memory of the people from Cadiz; even, almost each year, it is remembered in some words of the Carnival of Cádiz.In 1984, the City Council created the new theater company, for the current "Teatro de La Tia Norica".
By the way, the City Council is preparing the new building of the old "Teatro de títeres de La Tia Norica" = "Puppet Theater of La Tia Norica", to mark the Bicentenary of the Courts of Cádiz.