Etymology of some spanish words 3
Wednesday, February 24, 2010 @ 4:19 AM
Agua = Water : From the Latin "Aqua", this word related to the latin words "Aquilus" = oscuro = dark; and "Aquila" = "Aguila" = "Eagle", or perhaps, originally, "The dark".It derives from the European root, "Akwa, from it derives in got. "ahua" = "Rio, aguas", with the ang. Sajón "ea" = "Rio", the al. ant. "aha"and al. mod. "ache"and also with the pro. gem. "Agwijo" = "Perteneciente al agua" = "Belonged to water".
Alcalde = Mayor : From the classic article "qadi" = "Juez" = "Judge", keeping the definite article "al", as it happens with another words in Arabic.In that language, today it means: the Judge, who applies the "Sharia" (Cadi).From root "q-d-y", it is relative with the verb "qada" = "To finish, to complete".But also: "Decree, determine, decide" and "Judging, to act as a Judge, deciding legally".
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