ATALANTA: A Spanish contribution
Tuesday, May 3, 2011 @ 1:20 PM
For the Royal Spanish Academy of Language, Atalantar means Reassure, tranquilize.
On December - 8th of 2008, the "Operation ATALANTA", started by the Naval Force of the European Union, against the piracy in the sea of Somalia.I do not know if they choose that word (ATALANTA), because Spain contributed in that coalition.
The problem of the piracy in that area was a great problem for many countries, but above all for Spain, because we had several ships in danger.The most of them were fishing boats.
Then, in Spain, a Security Company began to prepare people to protect ships.Another countries used the same idea and it was a good solution.Another security companies offered this service; they were private companies.
But the "ATALANTA Operation" was a military one.



A Spanish Aircraft
Then, by the way of the word "Atalanta", you can use the verb "Atalantar" and then, you can say to a friend of you: "Que la vida te atalante" = "That Life treats you kind".