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The Day of the Spanish Language
Saturday, June 18, 2011 @ 1:30 PM

      Today is "The Day of the Spanish Language".We are more than 500 million native speakers of Spanish all over the world.

      Here in Spain, since several days ago, "The Cervantes Institute" has asked spanish people some prefered spanish words.Some words choosed by people were for example: Gracias, Confianza, Sentimiento, Cariño, Alegría, Amor, Madre, Amanecer....; but the two words prefered by people were: Libertad and Sueño.

     My prefered words are:

Vida (Life):  Because it is the most important thing that we can check, when we open our eyes every day.

Algodón (Cotton): Because I like its sound and also I like what its means: the material used to heal a wound and also: a sweet, pink for example, for children at a fair.

Noray (Noray): Because it lets you being safe in a harbor, when you are sailing with very bad weather.It protects your boat as the sweet cotton protects children, when they are enjoying at a fair.Also, Noray protects your boat as Cotton protects you when you are a child and have a wound --there is a spanish expression that syas: "He is entre algodones (among cottons)", it means that a child is too much protected by its family--.

Gracias (Thanks): Of course, this is a very important word, because we all have to give thanks to Life --despite the difficulties--.We have to give thanks, because many times we have much more things than we need.And I have to thank you for reading my blog.


Have a good day.


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Ron said:
Saturday, June 18, 2011 @ 8:47 PM

Gracias for the new word, Noray. Someday, I'm sure, I will need to refer to that little post on the dock by its name, the post where a boat's ropes are tied to. Thanks! BTW, on my website you will find a list of words in Spanish and English.

Ron said:
Saturday, June 18, 2011 @ 8:49 PM

Dang, my website address didn't show up. It's

Luis said:
Sunday, June 19, 2011 @ 11:45 AM

Hello, Ron: Nice to meet you and thank you for your comments.
I do not know if you know María, my wife, who writes in Eyeonspain.I thought that perhaps she may write in your website, in order to help your visitors; may her?.
Take a good day.

Luis said:
Sunday, June 19, 2011 @ 8:12 PM

Ron: I do not understand what BTW means.

Patricia said:
Monday, June 20, 2011 @ 7:47 PM

Hola Luis:

BTW significa "by the way".

A lo mejor eres el esposo de Maria (la letrada) que escribe para EOS ¿verdad?

Ha habido una discusión algo acalorada en el foro hoy (hay algunas personas que son francamente mal educados), sobre el número de personas en el mundo que son hispanoparlantes. No les ha gustado a algunos del foro el hecho de que el español está en segundo lugar en la lista de idiomas mundiales.

Un cordial saludo
(mi apodo en el foro es "campana").

como tu quieres said:
Monday, April 2, 2012 @ 3:01 AM

Hola Luis

Me encanta los fotos del rio, They are excellent and very inviting.

I have been to Tarifa(surfers paradise) a few times but never encountered this lovely village. The sunset in Tarifa is also as enchanting as the sunset.

Thank you for the words Cervante Institute I presume is named after the great Spanish writer. I have just read his biography

the words Librtad and sueño are very important to those who had no freedom and or opportunity to pursue their dreams at sometimes in their life which invites the humble word "gracias" as many of us are very fortunate to have life,love,lovely family and a few good friends and often much more yet for all this luxury we have just this humble word to say we appreciate it all
what we have. So one must never forget to say it. "Gracias a usted y Maria."

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