The river Cachón
Friday, November 11, 2011 @ 12:28 PM
In Zahara de los Atunes there is a river named "Cachón".Zahara de los Atunes is a little village situated 45 kilometers from Tarifa to Cádiz.Then, you have to leave the main road and you have turn left and go through a secondary road till the village.When you see the village on your left side, you have to turn left again at a little roundabout and cross the river "Cachón", through a little bridge.If you look at your right side, you will see an image similar than this one:

"Zahara de los Atunes - Entrada (2005)", Cádiz, Spain, by comcinco, at
At the end of that picture, you can find a wonderful beach.
Some days ago the weather was wonderful too and therefore it has happened this scene:

"Cabalgando por el rio Cachón", Zahara de los Atunes, Cádiz, Spain, by José López-Cortijo
Here I want to show you another nice picture from the river:
"Puesta de sol desde el rio", Zahara de los Atunes, Cádiz, Spain, by José López-Cortijo
In Zahara, sunsets are breathtaking every day.I invite you to live this experince by yourself, you will not regret.