The Spanish scientists Jose Carlos Florez and Tomas Palacios are two of the 94 fortunate around the world who have received, from the president of the U.S., the Presidential Award for Scientists and Engineers in the early stages of their research.

A recognition promises of science "whose achievements early" are crucial "to ensure the preeminence of America." There are good times for science and less if you put your ID you are Spanish, so we wasting talent, educating him and letting him go.
The brain drain of Spain seems more than just a passenger virus. Those who are gone will not return. Neither Joseph Carlos Florez nor Tomas Palacios , the two Spanish scientists who have just been rewarded for Obama, they think it for now.
Flórez was born in New Hampshire in 1966, while his father was studying a PhD. With only two years, his family returned to Spain. He took his dual citizenship under their arms, which allowed him to return to the U.S., when the University had to go. "I'd go back to Spain, but it is clear that in matters of research I am very well here. I have a number of opportunities that would be very difficult to gather in Spain." The 4 primary differences are: first larger budget for R & D, second, is a "more flexible, recognizing the merit and talent, giving greater opportunities for young people," the third way you can climb "much more fast ". And finally the salaries and labor, which is Spain's "precarious" because of a "hierarchical structure" not committed to their work.
Moreover Tomas Palacios (Jaen, 1978), which for now will stay in Boston, where he teaches in the Department of Electronic Engineering from the prestigious MIT. "I have the luck to have complete independence to choose my subjects of work," he explains. Believes that Spain should learn from the U.S. system, where "works very well give full responsibility to young people, bet on it giving you complete freedom to succeed and fail".
The solution for Spain is to: Greater private funding, keep people of worth and locate items of work where we can be powerful and specialize.
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