These days, in Spain, many people talks about a book.The tittle of the book is: “Todos los niños pueden ser Einstein” and its writer is Fernando Alberca.
Fernando Alberca was born in Cordoba (SouthWest of Spain), in 1966. Bachelor of Arts. He advised the School Board of Asturias. Today also carries a PhD in Psychology and Masters in Neuropsychology and Education.
He has a Master of Management Education Centers, taught by a Center affiliated to the University Complutense of Madrid.
He is School Performance Advisor and Family Relations, Conduct of children and adolescents, as well as stimulation and motivation of intelligence, self-esteem, concentration, memory, study skills and willingness of children and adolescents.
It is also a professor at the School of Education Sacred Heart of Cordoba. Where he teaches Educational Guidance: Family, School and Community, and Violence and Peace Culture School in Primary Education.
He is Professor of Education Institute and Protocol. Honorary Professor of International College of St George, Honorary Member of the Board for the Worth School in West-Sussex (United Kingdom) has been the Lydalls EDUCATIONAL CONSULTANT Oxford Nursery (UK) and Urd Förskolan in Falköping (Sweden) , project coordinator of the Socrates Programme Comenius European Union, with centers in Sweden, UK and Spain, on the teaching of 0 to 6 years. Creator, by the psychiatrist and pediatrician, Francisco Rubio Pool, the FAR method Spelling Easy, with the same title published in the editorial Magisterium Casals.
CO-CREATOR chip system applied to sequential learning in kindergarten and primary education. Plan and Effective Reading, Speaking and Writing at these ages.
He is a COLLABORATOR in different media of radio, press and television, having attended a clinic in Adolescence and direct relationships, over three consecutive seasons. He also starred in a weekly TV show on the Education of Young Children, for two years spent in TeleGijón.
He has been a commentator on the media and current affairs, and educational issues on several television networks, has collaborated with various national media: television, radio, newspapers and magazines and has been interviewed on major programs and media. For example, besides the appearance of reviews in other media and domestic and foreign sites, since the appearance of his book "All children can be Einstein" (several weeks of non-fiction book, best selling in Spain according to Nielsen prestigious list and the top ten in the TOP100 list of Amazon), has been interviewed in the last three months by over 140 media.
Frequent lecturer (over 25 annual conferences) on topics related to warmth, behavior and learning of the baby, child and adolescent, and about love and heartbreak, the marriage and relationships, has published some of his lectures, such as "Tune with the children", "Authority and trust," "to Have and educate" or "self-control" ... She has given lecture series organized by universities, including the Open University in Huesca (Barbastro) for graduates in Psychology, "How to enhance intelligence, memory and will of the baby."
He is married and father of 8 children, aged between 18 and 4 years.
Recently I could listen on radio, a very interesting interview to Fernando, where he is explained the reason of the tittle “…….can be Einstein”.He explained that when Einstein was a child, he was not a good student and he could not get a help from his mother: she said to him that he was an useless.Then, he was so discouraged –although his father was affectionate--.

"Albert Einstein", by MusMs, at
Albert Einstein had the mazing opportunity to study out of his town.He went to live with another family and he seemed to be happy.But the real happy and important moment for Albert came when a professor of him invited him to attend his class gratis; it was wonderful for Albert, because that meant an injection of morality, self-esteem; at least, Albert was listened by someone……It was the first time when he was valued, when someone believed in him.He felt affection.That professor begged reviews to Albert; it was very important for him.
Albert´s mother was a violinist; but Albert preferred the piano
"piano", by MaltaGirl, at
Another important idea, in the life of Albert, was the Method; it consisted of using the right hemisphere of the brain –the right hemisphere controls imagination and creativity--.Then, Albert found solutions in the right hemisphere and his wife helped him to formulate mathematically –his wife used the left side of the brain (the left hemisphere), that controls the logic, the Mathematic.
Fernando thinks that intellectual coefficient is useless, that the real important thing is the affection; stimulate the right hemisphere of the brain.
Fernando thinks that a mistake in School is to penalize students.The method used is based on fear of failure, instead of stimulating the imagination.He gives as an example, an exercise that he put to their students.He says: I asked my students: "Eight snails of a basket, leaving three, how many are left?".Usually, everybody should answer 5; but "Eight, 'said one,' because they have left the shell, but not in the basket".It is a response that should not be penalized!.
Fernando also says that It is very important that students learn well to read and write, because it will open them a lot of doors in their lives.As more things they learn reading, as smarter they will be. "Learning is experience, the rest is information," said Einstein. You do not learn things because you are smart: learn things makes you smarter.
“If you really are intelligent, you will be happy”, says Fernado.
Intelligence consists on resolve problems, and the most difficult problem is to be happy.
Fernando says thet it is very important to teach children to overcome obstacles. To see the extraordinary in the ordinary. In every act has consequences. And to truly love.
Fernando thinks that you can love, without expecting anything in return. Nothing brings as much happiness as do the other person happy without you even knowing it.
Then, our children will be less dependent on the fortunes and be able to do what it is proposed.
Kind regards,
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