A discreet Spanish project for a social aid
Tuesday, August 21, 2012 @ 1:27 PM
The town of Cartaya (Huelva) will have, from next September, a social dining that will be the first of which will Andalusia home service, so that can be used "with discretion" by people who do not want to go in person to their facilities daily.

"Cartaya", Huelva, South-West of Spain, by Manuel M. Ramos, at flickr.com
One idea that has detailed to Efe the oldest brother of the Brotherhood of Consolation of the locality, Manuel Perez, who noted that, with this innovation, they will make people who "have shame to be seen in this type of establishment may use the service rendered without any problem”, so as not to stop providing the service to anyone who needs it.
For this one, the room will have a distribution service orders by opening regular hours each day, an idea that once you have applied have found that many people come to dispense with the services "to the shame they have to be seen in the soup kitchens".
This is an initiative that the brotherhood developed in collaboration with the NGO Foundation for North-South Cooperation (Fecons), which manages the soup kitchen of the nearby town of Lepe, and whose experience in this field has moved to his new project .
Kind regards,
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