Yesterday night, I listened, on the radio, to a spanish lady, who explained that one day a story struck her: she saw a mother with her very young daughter, searching in the trash. Therefore, she thought she had to do something for many women who had a few money or even none.Then, she started to make several necklaces and earrings, in order to sell them and give the money to those women.
She said she has a website, where you can see and buy her jewels, which are not expensive.This is the website:
Her name is Paquita Vizcaino and she said the following, at the begining of her website:
“Create is excitement and passion, also my job, it is one of the most rewarding things in life. Materializing dreams has magic, but certainly the most rewarding is to help others.
I passed this jewelry collection in time cause the social urgency, that unfortunately exists. People who know that I always respond to requests for help, I have asked and I answered. I hope that you also should do.
Unreduced benefit Jewels collection of Solidarity is to help people in distress. You will have timely information on the videos that I will upload in paquitavizcaino Youtube channel”.
After that, you can see the images of the jewels and, below all, you can read this one:
JEWELRY AMELI is the online store of jewelry designed by Paquita Vizcaino. Unreduced benefit Jewels collection of Solidarity is to help people in distress.
In jewelry Ameli, you will find an exclusive design jewelery made with passion and care. Silver rings, silver pendants, silver anklets, silver engagement rings, silver earrings, silver crosses, silver bracelets, silver necklaces, silver necklaces, silver sets, silver chains, silver brooches, silver designer jewelry, gemstone jewelry, necklaces woman, girl necklaces, rings, earrings, belt jewel jet jewelry, agate jewelry, pearl necklaces, silver jewelry design, the best designs in jewelry silver, fashion silver jewelry silver news, silver accessories.
Made with the following gems:
Agate, amber, amethyst, aventurine, chalcedony, apple coral, blue coral, white coral, red coral, bamboo coral, carnelian, rose quartz, rutilated quartz, garnet, jade, jasper, labradorite, lapis lazuli, malachite, mother of pearl, tiger eye porthole, onyx, opal, moonstone, sun stone, ruby, serpentine, turquoise, pearls, cultured pearls, blue agate, Botswana agate, Indian agate, apatite, calcite, shell, crystal, Czech glass, ebony, glass Swarovski, quartz, rose quartz, green quartz, spinel, agate fire, yellow agate, aquamarine, amethyst African amazonite, ametrine, andalusite, blue aventurine, aventurine gold, green aventurine, Majorica pearls, fluorite, jet, azurite, beryl, golden beryl, red beryl, chalcedony, carnelian, charoita, caroíta, zircon, citrine, coral, corundum, chrysocolla, quartz, smoky quartz, cat's eye quartz, rutile quartz, diamond, emerald, star of night, red jasper, obsididana, snowflake obsidian, obsidian, golden, freshwater pearls, cat's eye, hawk eye, olivine, howlite, lava, lava-colored, pearl, mica, mokaita, black onyx, yellow onyx, opal, peridot, pearl river , silver, rhodonite, ruby, rutile, sodalite, tanzanite, topaz, tourmaline, blue tourmaline, black tourmaline, pink tourmaline, turquoise, sapphire, pyrite, porcelain, sodalite, turquenita, Xilópalo, abalone, prinita, rhodonite.
Under the little images of the jewels, you can see the way of payment and it says:
“Envios gratis, pedido minimo 50 Euros” and it means:
“Free shipping, mínimum order 50 Euros”.
I hope that you like the collection and above all the motivation that Paquita Vizcaino has had for it.
Enjoy it and help her, if you can do it !.
Thank you and kind regards,
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