Another Spanish sayings and proverbs, 38
Wednesday, August 29, 2012 @ 6:27 PM
Today I wanted to show you a saying so used in Spain; however, i have found another spanish saying that I have never listened.
It is a saying that I really liked, because it has a great message and also it seems very funny.
This is the saying:
A la ira y al enfado, darles vado = To rage and anger, give ford.
It means: to dodge them skillfully.There is a funny but deep story about a Director of Orchestra, Toscanini, who a day, in a moment of anger, he threw his watch out against his musicians.The silence appeared; but some days after, this illustrious Director received his watch, already repaired, and another one, cheesy, that said: "This one only for trials.".
Note: Vado: Ford means in public any change of structure in sidewalk and curb intended solely to facilitate vehicle access to premises within the estates against which it is practiced.
Kind regards,
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