A spanish song from the past
Thursday, September 6, 2012 @ 3:25 AM
Yesterday, by chance, I have remembered a song that I liked, when I was a child.It was the song "Tú y yo", by Karina, who began her musical career in 1963; but this song belonged to the album "Pasaporte a Dublin" and it was recorded in 1971.
This is the song, click down here:
In this video, you can see that Karina is so young.
And this is the lyrics of the song:
Llegaste con la primavera = You came with Spring
y tuve tu amistad. = and I had your friendship.
En el verano fue distinto = In the Summer it was different
sentimos algo más. = we felt something else.
En el otoño, hojas = In the autumn, leaves
en el invierno amor. = in winter love.
en el sendero de la vida = in the path of life
ahora somos dos, tú y yo. = now we are two, you and I.
Hay días grises, hay días tristes, = There are grey days, there are sad days,
hay días que hace sol. = there are days when it is sunny.
Lo mismo pasa con nuestras cosas = The same thing happens with our things
y más en el amor. = and more in love.
Lo malo siempre es fácil = The bad thing is always easy
lo bueno cuesta más = the good thing costs more
por eso mereció la pena = so it was worth
dejar a los demás, por ti. = leaving others, for you.
A veces pienso si habré cambiado = Sometimes I wonder if I have changed
pues noto algo en mi = since I feel someting in me
quizá también te habrás notado = perhaps also you have felt
distinto para ti. = different for you by yourself.
Es diferente todo = Everything is different
viviendo con amor = living with love
no hay nada mío = nothing is mine
no hay nada tuyo = nothing is yours
pues todo es de los dos, tú y yo. = since everything is of both, you and I.
Llegaste con la primavera = You came with Spring
y tuve tu amistad. = and I had your friendship.
En el verano fue distinto = In the Summer it was different
sentimos algo más. = we felt something else.
En el otoño, hojas = In the autumn, leaves
en el invierno amor = in the winter love
en el sendero de la vida = in the path of life
ahora somos dos, tú y yo. = now we are two, you and I.
Kind regards,
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