Here you have some very popular riddles in Spain.
Please, try to guess them, before reading the solutions, in my next post.
Have a good luck!.
41. Blanca por dentro, White inside,
verde por fuera. green outside.
Si quieres que te lo diga, If you want me to tell you,
espera. wait.
42. Oro parece, Gold seems,
plata no es, Silver is not
el que no lo sepa, Who does not know it,
un tonto es. a fool is.
43. Te lo digo y te repito, I tell you it and I repeat you,
y te lo debo avisar, and I must warn you,
que por mas que te lo diga, that even if I tell you,
no lo vas a adivinar. you will not guess it.
44. Verde nací, Green I was born,
amarillo me cortaron, Yellow they cut me,
en el molino me molieron in the mill they ground me
y blanco me amasaron. and white they kneaded me.
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