A hope against the Myopia in Spain
Wednesday, September 19, 2012 @ 1:43 PM
The 30 % of the spanish population suffers from Myopia.Therefore, in the University of Valencia (East of Spain), there is a group of scientists, who is going to start a project in a month.The project shall last 5 years and it will try to prevent the development of this disease.For it, they will use the astronomical technology (the same used in observing the Universe).
This project shall be directed by the Professor of Optics, Robert Montés, who was talking about it, yesterday on the radio.
Montés explained the method that they will use: it consists on to send signals to the retina, in order to know which therapies must be applied.And also they will be abble to know why this disease increases, above all in children.
Myopic eye. Focused image in front of the retina. Unfocused image on the retina
This group of scientists name it "Adaptive Technology".The aim of this technique is knowing which signals reach the eye.The Professor Montés explains that to the eye reach some good signals, but also bad signals that give the order to the retina of growing.So, the myopia grows too.Montés says that if they are abble to eliminate the bad signals (the bad information received by the retina), our eye will stop growing and so they will be abble to alleviate the problems caused by the myopia.
This is a project funded by the European Union.I hope that it can help many people from Spain and from other countries.
Best regards,
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