Another Spanish sayings and proverbs, 40
Monday, October 1, 2012 @ 12:21 PM
A ojo de buen cubero:
You do something for approximation, by trial and error, by simple visual estimation; that is, as in the last task performed their cubes manufacturers --coopers--, or other craftsmen void, as glassblowers, potters, etc. "Nothing of theodolites and bagpipes; a ojo de buen cubero, we calculate everything.
![Pintada en un Cubo de Basura](/userfiles/content-moved-to-https/blog-posts/bf21ca1dbbf94e8d8f84a289ff52dd0e.jpg)
"Pintada en un Cubo de Basura", by alvy, at
"Alfarero", by Pepe Ortuño, at
Kind regards,
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