VOICES FOR PEACE is a Foundation, created by Juan Carlos Arnanz, in 1998.All started thanks to nonconformity, not to want falter and wishing collaborate.Juan Carlos said that in 1998, each Orchestra of Music, in Spain, was on its own (The Chorus of the Zarzuela, the National Chorus, the Chorus of Radio Television of Spain….); then, Juan Carlos had the urge to unite all orchestras.
He said that today is important to think that we can do many things, if we want to innovate, if not discoraged, in this time of crisis.
So, VOICES FOR PEACE was born, when Juan Carlos wanted collaborate with somebody and decided to call some companions of him -–he was singing in the Chorus of the Community of Madrid--.Then, he got to unite to 140 persons.
In 1999, were united more members of chorus and orchestra.The first Concert was sponsored by all the Health Companies.
Since that year (1999), they have recived several solidarity projects worldwide.For example, a nice project was to buid a road, in Nepal, where there were many little villages isolated; then, when raining and without any road, children could not go to school.Also, cause of their poverty, the girls were sold to brothels, in Bombay (India).Then, VOICES FOR PEACE collected all the money from concerts --because they always give ALL the money to the projects—in order to buid that road, in Nepal.They work with different NGOs and in this case, one NGO built a road, another NGO built a water pipe, and so on.Then, VOICES FOR PEACE offer one concert each year.
In 2010, they offered a special concert, in the National Auditorium in Madrid.It was special because there were 120 persons, in the Chorus, and 130 persons, in the Orchestra.Then, when they were singing and playing music, suddenly, the Chorus was opened and appeared 15 persons, who were deaf and they started to “sing” with their hands.The audience cheered excitedly.I want to show you that part of the concert.Please click down here:
VOICES FOR PEACE in the National Auditorium, Madrid, Spain.
The lyrics:
Yo nací en una ribera del Arauca vibrador
soy hermano de la espuma
de las garzas y de las rosas
soy hermano de la espuma,
de las garzas, de las rosas
y del sol
y del sol.
Me arrulló la viva diana de la brisa en el palmar
y por eso tengo el alma
como el alma primorosa
y por eso tengo el alma
como el alma primorosa
del cristal
del cristal.
Amo, lloro, canto, sueño,
con claveles de pasión,
con claveles de pasión,
amo, lloro, río, sueño,
y le canto a Venezuela
con alma de trovador.
Yo nací en esa ribera del Arauca vibrador
soy hermano de la espuma,
de las garzas, de las rosas
y del sol.
Me arrulló la viva diana de la brisa en el palmar
y por eso tengo el alma,
como el alma primorosa,
y por eso tengo el alma,
como el alma primorosa,
del cristal,
del cristal.
Amo, lloro, canto, sueño,
con claveles de pasión
con claveles de pasión
amo, lloro, río, sueño,
y le canto a Venezuela
con alma de trovador.
Yo nací en esta ribera del Arauca vibrador
soy hermano de la espuma,
de las garzas, de las rosas...
y del sol.
Also, Juan Carlos said the National Auditorium has a capacity for 2.250 persons and the tickets for that special Concert, in 2010, were sold in ten days.
He says that “Alma llanera” means that: “The power of Music can make a more just world”.
Juan Carlos said that, by the moment, they only can offer concerts in Madrid, because the members of VOICES FOR PEACE can only be together one day in a week –Saturday or Sunday--, because they come from several chorus and orchestras from Madrid.
I hope that you have liked to listen to VOICES FOR PEACE, as I did.
Till soon, my best regards,
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