"Cadiz Promenade", Cadiz, Southern Spain, by degsyw, at flickr.com
Today Cadiz began operations in the Latin American Summit of Heads of State and Government of Latin American nations. The Summit is the most important event of all events celebrating the bicentennial of the Constitution of 1812. But this summit, as the above -- this is the XXII-- represents the most serious attempt to create a community of Latin American nations, based on solid foundations to ensure the development of solutions to common problems of our societies. It is not an easy road, it will be long and uncertain as to its outcome.
Between our countries there is a strong common identity based on history, miscegenation, culture and language. But this shared identity as an important heritage for all citizens who live on either side of the Atlantic, is only a starting point. From it we find a convergence of economic and commercial interests, educational exchanges and cultural cooperation projects in the environmental field and in the infrastructure, including technology, and much more
There is an important reason. In the global world we live in, Latin America is an emerging region --three countries, Argentina, Brazil and Mexico are part of the G 20 --. Spain and Portugal are member states of the European Union, the regional organization composed of the world, with a responsibility to play a role as a bridge in relations between Latin America and the European Union. Spain's interest rather than any other country the American dimension of the EU. As noted by Henry V. Iglesias, Iberoamerican Secretary General, the strength of Spain depend on the depth of relations with Latin American nations. These relationships are a huge capital to each other.
And as we live in an irreversible process of globalization, act globally is an imperative. Proposals for the Summit should go in that direction. The world became global, at least geographically, when Columbus discovered America. The currency of ideas and many subsequent scientific discoveries are unimaginable without this first experience of globalization of our world. Latin America was in the historical origins of the globalization process. Today we have to ask what role he wants to play, how to play his immense potential as socioeconomic space, as well as political subject and cultural community. The question is, in short, if you can become a global player alongside the U.S. benchmark, the Pacific and the EU. I think, in the configuration of a globalized world, without a pillar Iberoamerican economically developed, democratically constituted, culturally vibrant and integrated regionally, will be difficult to articulate global balances.
No country escapes, with greater or lesser intensity, the effects of the economic crisis. Latin America either. But they may face challenges and opportunities together. The region, though in a disparate manner, is experiencing a period of strengthening democracy and respect for the evolution of human rights record. Moreover, until 2010, there was a strong economic growth thanks to rising prices of basic foods and remittances among other factors. Despite the uncertainties, the growth continues and as noted leaders of these countries, the challenge is growth that addresses physical investment and innovation, which integrates the development of education and health and to allow solidarity and redistributive policies to combat poverty and inequality.
But there is a key. Ricardo Lagos, former President of Chile, believes that Latin America has a pending, regional integration, and reporting their "ability" to create acronyms (Mercasur, Unasur, Alba, Pacific Treaty, etc.). There are different regional responses that respond to different political and ideological criteria that hinder the integration process. Without this process, Latin America does not have the economic and political stability necessary to be a global player reference: Latin America must integrate regionally looking for a model that ensures a multiplier effect on economic and social development, exploit synergies and achieve greater effectiveness in combating transnational phenomena such as drug trafficking and organized crime that impair development.
American Summit can provide countries with homogeneous policies common problems deepen a relationship based on mutual trust, which highlight common interests and shared political, economic and social. To Cadiz, the 1812 Constitution was in the city's history. This Constitution was short-lived, but his influence was lasting as it came to many Latin American constitutions and even the Spanish Constitution of 1978. The historic summit in Cadiz will contribute decisively to the extent that, in the framework of the Latin American community, the overall progress of their peoples.
The organizers of this Summit want to be held every two years.
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