Very close to the village Fuentes de Andalucía (Seville), there is a solar thermal plant, who provides electricity to 28.000 homes.
In Spain, there are 40 plants like this one.
The plant of Fuentes de Andalucía has an area of 200 hectares. This is the only solar thermal plant with central tower receiver, which uses these reflections.
This plant has aroused a great international interest, because it is the only one solar thermal plant in the world, that is abble to produce energy 24 hours in a day –produces energy by day and night--, 365 days in a year.Therefore, Spain is world leader.
Here there are 200 hectares of heliostats plates; they are conventional mirrors; but each one is directed towards the sun; so, we are by reflecting 30 football fields to a smaller area; then, we concentrate up to 1000 times the solar energy. The light reflected from the plates towards the central tower heates some salts, to 565 degrees, and it produces water vapor.That thermal energy is converted in electricity, when it is decided by the company.
The Director of this plant says that in South Africa there are several spanish companies building a plant like this one in Seville.
For Spain, these plants have meant the creation of 23.000 jobs, in the last 3 years.From here, the Spanish companies, are going to build in Marocco, South Africa, Persian Gulf…..

"Fuentes-de-Andalucia-Spai-001", Fuentes de Andalucía, Seville, South of Spain, by M1K3Y, at

"Four Solar heliostats plates".

Explanation of the reflection from the sun towards the tower.
Another solar thermal plant is in Sanlúcar la Mayor (Seville); its company builder is ABENGOA, that now is building the biggest plant in the world and here (in Sanlúcar) has built the biggest plant in Europe.In this plant, there are 4 towers.And the energy produced will arrive to 150.000 homes.
"Solar thermal plant", Sanlúcar la Mayor, Seville, South of Spain.

"One tower in the Solar Thermal Plant by Abengoa", Sanlúcar la Mayor, Seville, South of Spain.
A manager of Abengoa says that, in 2050, among 95% and 98% of electricity will come from renewable sources.And he also says that we could produce more energy, in one hour, than what we consume in one year.
Within 6 months, the biggest solar thermal plant in the world will be completed, in Arizona (USA), by Abengoa.
If you want having more information, about solar plates, you can read an old post that I put, the last August-17, named “The Solar Energy in Spain”.Here it is.Please click down here:
Best regards,
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