In 2011, 125 million people wore spanish shoes worldwide. This is because Spain is the second largest manufacturer and producer of quality shoes in the European Union; and it is among the world's top 10.
In Alicante (East of Spain), it is produced the 60 % of the domestic footwear.
Concretely, in Villena it is produced the most of the children´s shoes.
In Elda are produced the ladies´ shoes.
And in Elche, are produced the ladies´s and gentlemen´s shoes.
There come mainly foreing, for example when they come for holydays. It has much advantage for them because, for example, if in stores shoes cost 120 Euros, here cost 80.
In the Business Park of Elche you can find any brand on the market. Here is concentrated almost all footwear of Alicante: 170 factories, 6.000 employees and 30 stores.

A shoe store in the Business Park of Elche, Alicante, East of Spain
Quality Shoe means: always a leather shoe, both cutting and lining.And the price above 80 Euros.
The countries which much more buy our shoes are: France and Germany –in the European Union— and: USA, Mexico and Russia. Asia is emerging now too.
Spain has 30% of domestic consumption of footwear and 70% export.
Japanese think that Spain has good products and competitive prices.
The Manager of a factory in Elche says that “Spain has to offer betting on Spain Brand consolidated”.He also says that they have their own leather factory.In the factory where they receive the leather, there are 150 persons, who work trying to manually shoe.
Fortunately Spain takes 6 years betting on the label "Made in Spain".
Best regards,
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