Now, when many people are starting or thinking to start their Christmas Holidays on a mountain –skiing or climbing the mountain--, I want to pay tribute to the High Mountain Group of the Civil Guard, in Spain, who usually make an average of 100 rescues a year.Although sometimes the number of rescues grow up --for example, this year, 2012, this Group of the Civil Guard, made 345 rescues, only in the province of Huesca (Aragon Pyrenees, north-east of Spain)--.

The GREIM (Group of Rescue and Intervention in Mountain) from Barco de Avila
My sincere congratulations to this Group, who risk their lives every day, in order to save another lives.

Amazing how they risk their lives for everyone......
This year there were 19 persons dead in mountain accidents.The members of this Group say that not everybody go prepared to mountain.
A member of this team says to wear a thermal shirt, stuck to the skin, and that is very important to wear a hat, because the cold causes you to lose 70 percent of your body heat through your head.
This same member says that when ice is blue, you may think that it is quite attached to the floor of the mountain.He also says that is very important to place two ropes above the ice wall, to be safe in case of a falling by the climber.And he says that you have to be very careful if there are small landslides of ice rubble.
Another member of this team carries a thermos tea with sugar.He also carries heaters to his feet and hands -- to prevent freezing--.
Another member of the rescue team is "avalanche dog handler", in Panticosa (Pyrenees of Aragon.North-East of Spain).

Although thanks to God I have never needed the help of this special Group of the Civil Guard –neither my family and friends--, I am proud to be Spanish like the members of this team and like all the Spanish members of the Civil Guard.
Kind regards,
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