I have listened on the radio to talk about the Project by Isidro Nuñez (a project named “Huertos Urbanos” = “Urban Gardens”).
Isidro and other members of the groups in Spain try the training in the working of fruit horticulture. All groups grow potatoes, tomatoes, lettuce and other vegetables and fruits.
In Madrid, there are around 30 groups; but some of them grow vegetables and fruit for their own consumption and another groups are Cooperatives for organic food distribution.
But, there are another cities, where there are several Urban Gardens; for example: Barcelona, Sevilla, Granada, Málaga…….
In those projects –-sometimes sponsored and funded in part by some Municipalities, like the Town Hall of Madrid— use to work old people, who have no job and they have Urban Gardens as a hobby. But also, there are many young people, who are looking for a job, in their cities, for several hours, and spend the rest of the day growing vegetables and fruits.
Urban Garden in Barcelona (North-east of Spain), by Stefanie Fock.

Another Urban Garden in Barcelona.

"Inside a home in Barcelona"

Another view of Barcelona from an Urban Garden.
Another Urban Garden beside the city.
Two conditions for having an urban garden are digging by hand or with a shovel, but never farm machinery. And secondly, you can not use fertilizer, you can only use natural fertilizer, which in these gardens is achieved the same waste of vegetables.
The groups that have urban gardens, not just planting their seeds, but also exchange different seeds between themselves.
I think these projects of Urban Gardens are very interesting, because they approach the natural life of the field to the city, which is more artificial.
Kind regards,
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