This is a place full of magic, situated some few kilometers out of Algeciras, direction to Malaga, but going to the named "Station of San Roque", just only one kilometer past the rail of the train, you go into this way, everything straight ahead to upstairs, where you will see the named "House of the Almoraima" (Casa de la Almoraima).

A high tower is the first thing that you can see, when you arrive there, on the right of the main building.This is the named "Hotel La Almoraima", situated, exactly, in the Road Algeciras-Ronda, s.n., to Castellar de la Frontera.

This is the little square, where you can leave your car. La Almoraima S.A. began its activity extracting the cork from the alcornoques which there were in the farm close the House-Convent.Also they raised porks.In 1987, The General Direction of Patrimony sold La Almoraima S.A. to RUMASA and this group sold La Almoraima to ICONA (National Institute for Conservation of Nature).Right now, it belongs to the Autonomous Organism National Parks.

Here you can see two cars which were going out of the Hotel "La Almoraima" --although this place is also known as "House-Convent of La Almoraima"--.

This is the internal patio, before going into the restaurant.This restaurant has a good cookery.

The entrance to the dining room is in a door situated just on the left of this picture, to the left to those armchairs.

There are some few bedrooms (4 or 5).Look at the web: www.notodohoteles.com and you will see what a nice and confortable the hotel is.

You can see a bell tower, because under it there is a chapel.

This is the chapel.On back of the picture, you can see the altar.

This is another corner, in a side of the chapel.

And another special corner, in a diferent side of the chapel.
Well, I hope that you can come here to visit this nice place. Do not doubt that you will be very welcome.
Till soon, kind regards,
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