Andalusia is my land, I am from the South. This ia a little part of the lyrics of the song “Yo soy del Sur” (I am from the South), by the group Ecos del Rocío:
"Yo soy del Sur", by Ecos del Rocío.
And this is the lyrics:
Andalucia es mi tierra, yo soy del sur,
yo soy del sur, andalucía es mi tierra
soy del sur soy andaluz
me gusta el mosto en noviembre
y mirar al cielo azul.
Y mirar al cielo azul, de aquí fueron mis abuelos
se formaron mis mayores, aquí nacieron mis padres
y nacieron mis amores.
Yo soy así, y tienen que comprender
y tienen que comprender, que mis costumbres son esas…
y no las quiero perder
Me gusta dormir la siesta, yo soy del sur,
yo soy del sur, me gusta dormir la siesta,
el gazpacho y el buen vino
los caballos bien domaos...y las charlas de casino.
Y las charlas de casino, me gusta el cante sentío
y el baile de cuerpo entero, las guitarras bien templás
y los olivares nuevos
Yo soy así, y tienen que comprender
y tienen que comprender, que mis costumbres son esas…
y no las quiero perder
Me gustan los toros serios, yo soy del sur,
yo soy del sur, me gustan los toros serios
y los toreros con arte, los buenos banderilleros
y las mulillas de arrastre
y las mulillas de arrastre me gusta ver la vendimia
y beber con los amigos y las mujeres bonitas
y las siembras de buen trigo
Yo soy así, y tienen que comprender
y tienen que comprender, que mis costumbres son esas…
y no las quiero perder
Me gustan las romerias, yo soy del sur
yo soy del sur, me gustan las romerias
las hermitas de mi pueblo,
las virgenes bajo palio y los Cristos nazarenos
Y los Cristos nazarenos, los jardines con geranios
las casas blancas con tejas,
los miradores con arcos,
y las ventanas con rejas
Yo soy así, y tienen que comprender
y tienen que comprender, que mis costumbres son esas…
y no las quiero perder.
I want to show you, with images, several things that represent my Andalusia.
For example, I think of one monument and choose: The Alhambra, in Granada:
![La Alhambra](/userfiles/content-moved-to-https/blog-posts/d91f21fc0ca449c0aa799d18f3f427e5.jpg)
"La Alhambra", Granada, South- east of Spain, by Crisologo, at
When I think of a Passion Week, I watch the Passion Week of Málaga.Some years ago, I had the good luck of being a "brother" of the brotherhood of "Mena", taking on my shoulder to the Virgin of the Solitude.
If I think of a mountain, I see Sierra Nevada, with snow --although I do not know to ski:
![Sierra Nevada](/userfiles/content-moved-to-https/blog-posts/cedfa059d1e24458a9a1c56d36ebc325.jpg)
"Sierra Nevada", Granada, South-east of Spain, by rheauchir, at
When I dream with a beach, I see the wonderful beach named "Valdevaqueros", in Tarifa:
"Valdevaqueros", Tarifa, Cadiz, by guevo, at
If I think of a healthy product, I remember the wonderful olive oil, from Jaén:
"Olivares", Jaen, South-east of Spain, by estrelas e limóns, at
![aceite de oliva virgen extra](/userfiles/content-moved-to-https/blog-posts/8723040603ad44a88df8d4b1ff47e391.jpg)
"aceite de oliva virgen extra", by Besoliva jabones naturales, at flickr.ccom
I remember when I ate in a great restaurant: "El Caballo Rojo" (The Red Horse) in Cordoba.It is on the street of the Cardinal Herrero, 28.Its telephone number is: 957 47 5375.This is the restaurant:
"The Red Horse", Cordoba, South of Spain.
And if think of another very spanish product, I remember the jam from Jabugo:
![Jamon Jabugo](/userfiles/content-moved-to-https/blog-posts/5aaadf486273496e9a340e5ba02436c5.jpg)
"Jamon Jabugo", Jabugo, Huelva, South-west of Spain, by Hugo´s daddy, at
When I thought of a nice town, I saw: Córdoba:
![Cordoba Spain](/userfiles/content-moved-to-https/blog-posts/1f7f1f0f14814b168c1e5fcff28eed09.jpg)
"Cordoba", South of Spain, by t.bo79, at
When I was alone and I thought of pretty women, I remembered to women from Córdoba:
![Semana Santa en Archidona](/userfiles/content-moved-to-https/blog-posts/fc2da789cf09440290039937f72b83e3.jpg)
"Semana Santa en Archidona", Córdoba, South of Spain, by Landahlauts, at
And when I thuoght of funny people, I remembered to the people from Cádiz, and concretely whe the Carnival is celebrated, in February:
Several "Chirigotas" of 2012.
Here you can watch, at the begining, the group of Chirigota named "Los Puretas del Caribe".Here they sing the following lyrics:
"They were outraged at the lobe toothpick and so never came late to the pharmacy, hushed voices with forms and ways they were gray (gray men were policemen in the seventh years), with force and without words is revealed when people are cheering the speakers, which are vendáis me my freedoms democracy because this is dictatorship".
The second group --represented by some housemaids-- talk about our King (Juan Carlos).And her lyrics say this :
"Must see King Juan Carlos has that piece of life as good, people do not know that to do as King is a conviction, I would not change it for him..... --and the housemaids put the pose of "marujona" for saying " tststststststststst not say that about mijitaaaaaaaa", and sons (girls, Infantas) seemed silly when we bought it, the oldest (Helen) separated and the other (Christine) between now na, gets some blows, control yourself a little something?? sovereign??. Pure art which gives the royal house sides narrated by coughing any house".
The third group is "The Protagonists" and they sing this:
"In his suitcase take a hat last year and start singing before pasodoble advertising that usually appears before a film begins in theaters, movie record? .., Talk between July and Kike, the curtain opens and the movie will be better impossible, not unbeatable seafront ugggg by a bowler hat with ashtray, recount the proceedings, buses and new sites joaquinitos lived with, found that this was a romance and to know more crying and danced not remove anyone, carnival Monday will be etched on my retina hundreds of people listened to the joke in the square mine on the street though your directors gave me a minor role for that being second prize, in the street, you made me feel protagonist".
Surely, all of this is difficult to understand for you; but perhaps now you can have a little idea of the grace in Cadiz.
Anyway, I hope that you can enjoy a little bit....
Kind regards,
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